Join the Solution for Peace in Gaza

The Solution for Peace in Gaza, for the safety and well being of Gazans and Israelis, is to overcome the genocidal anti-Israel ideology and give Gazans a vision of peace and coexistence through changing their hearts, showing then a better idea not rooted in hate and terror.

  • 200+Volunteers Engaged
  • 100%Commitment to Peace
  • 50+Projects Initiated
The Crisis

Understanding the Situation

The situation in Gaza is unsustainable. What’s needed is a true Solution for Peace in Gaza. Please join us as we advocate for, build toward, and work to implement the solution that’s real, long-term, and lasting.

It’s not new, but since the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, the gruesome murder of 1200 people, premeditated rape and sexual mutilation, and kidnapping of more than 250 people to Gaza, its been more clear than ever that there needs to be a change that restores Gaza, that provides for the well-being of Gazans, and that eliminates any genocidal threats against Israel.

As much as many Gazans have been severely impacted by the war that’s ensued, the root of the suffering of Gazans is Hamas’ hijacking Gaza, pilfering hundreds of millions of dollars, investing in a massive terrorist infrastructure rather than the well-being of its civilians, and building that terrorist infrastructure under, next to, and within civilian areas and facilities, unspeakably using average Gazans as human shields.

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Our Vision

A Future of Peace

The long-term Solution for Peace in Gaza requires the physical elimination of Hamas and its infrastructure, its ability to control Gaza and the lives of Gazans, and a complete change of heart among the Gazans.

Many entities, and possibly billions of dollars, will be needed for the physical restoration of Gaza, to build the prosperity, and a future of peace for Gaza and Israel. Given the blind support for Hamas, hundreds of millions of dollars that has gone directly to them, investments from international governments and organizations that have been controlled by Hamas, none of these governments or international organizations can be relied upon to truly invest for a long-term Solution for Peace in Gaza.

The actual Solution for Peace in Gaza requires an “army” of Christians who will restore everything. Engineers, architects, and city planners. Medical personnel, nutritionists, and educators. People with backgrounds that can rebuild and create prosperity. Christians will succeed because they love Gazans and want to see them prosper, and reject the evil Islam represented by Hamas and Iran.

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Our Mission

Building a Peaceful Future

Our mission is to bring lasting peace to Gaza by mobilizing a global community dedicated to rebuilding and restoring Gaza, and counter the ideology of hate and terror from the Islamic extremism that has dominated their society for generations.

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Our Initiatives

Together we can Restore Gaza and Bring True Peace

We are dedicated to restoring Gaza physically, changing hearts, and creating the foundation for long term peace and prosperity.

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Join us to realize the long term, lasting vision for peace as we restore Gaza, change hearts, and build a future of hope over hate and terror.

We are a dedicated community striving for a peaceful and prosperous future for Gaza. Your involvement can make a significant impact. Learn more about our mission, our team, and how you can contribute to lasting peace.

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